Travel Tips For Visiting the City
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Is the Lodge at Healdsburg a pet friendly property? If so, what is the hotel’s pet policy?
Yes, we are a pet friendly property. First three nights there is a pet fee of $60 per night. Anything after the third night is free. If damages due to pet exceed $180 guest is responsible for extra charges. Service animals are free.
Does the Lodge at Healdsburg have a pool? Does the Lodge at Healdsburg have a hot tub?
Yes, we have a pool that is open from 7am-10pm every day. The hotel has 2 hot tubs with the same hours of operation as the pool
Is parking free?
No, the hotel has a $10 per day parking fee
Does the Lodge at Healdsburg have electrical car charging station?
Yes, there are two on property
What is the cancelation policy?
Eligible rate codes guests can cancel 72 hours prior to the arrival. Other rate codes are non-cancelable
What are some popular attractions nearby?
Wine tasting, Lake Sonoma, Russian River, Historic Downtown Healdsburg, World Class Restaurants, Great outdoor hiking/activities
How far away is The Lodge at Healdsburg from the town square?
1 mile from Downtown Healdsburg
What time is check in? What time is check out?
4:00pm check in, 11:00am check out
Does the Lodge at Healdsburg have a restaurant? Is there a bar at the restaurant?
We have a Café & Bar located in the reception area. Yes, there is a bar that serves beer and wine
Do you offer room service?
Not at this time
Does the hotel offer free internet?
Is the hotel offer rooms at are ADA approved?
Yes, the hotel has ADA rooms available for guests